Oscar Kiyoshige Garcés Aparicio -


I am a PhD candidate at Australia Artificial Intelligence Institute (AAII) and University of Technology Sydney (UTS). I obtained my bachelor degree at ICESI university, Cali, Colombia and my MSc in Los Andes University, Bogota, Colombia. I previuosly worked in tech-based companies and research lab at ICESI and Los Andes university.

I am currently researching machine learning techniques, specifically transfer reinforcement learning to leverage previuosly-learnt knowledge to new contexts.

Research Interests

  • Machine Learning
  • Transfer reinforcement learning
  • Deep Reinforcement Learning
  • Deep Transfer Learning
  • Successor representations
  • Algorithms


NeoVim after a couple of years learning process


tags: vim, NeoVim

NeoVim are really excellent tools, which are not only text editors also could be used as IDEs. Nevertheless, it's well-known the learning curve issue and the difficulty to start using.

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How-to use ClickUP API to integrate Apple Shortcuts


tags: time management, API integration, clickup

I changed from Trello to ClickUp, I figured out how-to tackle an integration issue using Apple Shortcut. This is the How-To.

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How did I include Software Design to this blog


tags: golang, gin gonic, architecture

This blog was built using Golang and Gin Gonic, but more important than this is the architecture and solution.

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A road through Functional Programming


tags: Programming Languages, Functional Programming

After several basic tutorials about functional programming, I realized I would never be capable of improve my knowledge without this concepts.

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IELTS test versions


tags: IELTS, English Tests, personal

Are you thinking in take the IELTS English test and you do not know what version to choose?

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Draft - Notes about Lean Startup Book


tags: Lean Startup,Entrepreneur

David Ries Lean Startup Book depicts a bunch of knowledge related with Startup process and most important how to convert any company and project in a constant innovation process

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Gin Gonic & Heroku


tags: Go,Programming Languages,Gin Gonic

I want to publish a new website in Heroku using Golang. What did I learn? Here we go!

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First steps with Golang & Gin Gonic


tags: Go,Programming Languages

What is Golang? For me is a new experience which I decided to invest ample time to create a new project. All this website is made using Golang and Gin Gonic.

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First Post


tags: personal

The first post is about myself. Also, a brief introduction of what is this blog for.

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Transformed Successor Features for Transfer Reinforcement Learning, K Garces, J Xuan, H Zuo Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 298-309, 2023


Cost comparison of running web applications in the cloud using monolithic, microservice, and AWS Lambda architectures, Mario Villamizar, Oscar Garcés, Lina Ochoa, Harold Castro, Lorena Salamanca, Mauricio Verano, Rubby Casallas, Santiago Gil, Carlos Valencia, Angee Zambrano, Mery Lang Journal Service Oriented Computing and Applications, ed: Springer London, 2017

2016 - 2014

Facilitating the Execution of HPC Workloads in Colombia through the Integration of a Private IaaS and a Scientific PaaS/SaaS Marketplace, Harold Castro, Mario Villamizar, Oscar Garcés, Jose Pérez, Rodolfo Caliz, and Pedro F. Pérez Arteaga The sixteenth IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, Cartagena, Colombia, 2016

Infrastructure Cost Comparison of Running Web Applications in the Cloud Using AWS Lambda and Monolithic and Microservice Architectures Mario Villamizar, Oscar Garcés, Lina Ochoa, Harold Castro, Lorena Salamanca, Mauricio Verano, Rubby Casallas, Santiago Gil, Carlos Valencia, Angee Zambrano, and Mery Lang The sixteenth IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing, Cartagena, Colombia, 2016

Re-architecting a JEE On-Premise Web Application to Deploy It in the Cloud Mauricio Verano, Mario Villamizar, Oscar Garcés, Harold Castro, Lorena Salamanca, Lina Ochoa, Rubby Casallas, Angee Zambrano, Carlos Valencia, and Santiago Gil The Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Cloud Computing Systems, Networks, and Applications (CCSNA), San Diego, CA, USA, 2015

Evaluating the Monolithic and the Microservice Architecture Pattern to Deploy Web Applications in the Cloud Mario Villamizar, Oscar Garcés, Harold Castro, Mauricio Verano, Lorena Salamanca, Rubby Casallas and Santiago Gil 10 Congreso Colombiano de Computación, Bogotá, Colombia, 2015

2013 - 2011

Despliegue y ejecución de aplicaciones científicas en la nube: Una estrategia escalable, amigable y económicamente eficiente Kiyoshige Garcés, Harold Castro, Mario Villamizar Conferencia Latinoamericana de Computación de Alto Rendimiento, San José de Costa Rica, 2013

Luis Daniel Benavides Navarro, Andres Barrera, Kiyoshige Garcés, Hugo Fernando Arboleda Jimenez Detecting and Coordinating Complex Patterns of Distributed Events with KETAL Electronic Notes In Theoretical Computer Science ISSN: 1571-0661 ed: Elsevier v.281 fasc. p.127 - 141, 2011

A Kernel Library to Detect and Coordinate Complex Patterns of Distributed Events Luis Daniel Benavides Navarro, Andres Barrera, Kiyoshige Garcés, Hugo Fernando Arboleda Jimenez In proceedings of the 36th ”Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática”- Quito, Ecuador, 2011